35 reasons and benefits of running

Escrito por: Patricia Rodriguez

Visitas: 8528

For those of us who have been running for years, it is difficult to stop doing it. But for those who don’t, it’s difficult to break the inertia and start running. As in all activities, it is important to find motivation. At least one reason that drives us to go running.

Below we have listed 35 reasons to run based on the opinions of many runners who participated in our blog. We have classified them into six groups according to their type. Read them and choose one that allows you to break the inertia!

Health-related benefits of running

  • Maintain good overall health
  • By medical prescription
  • Lose weight or control weight
  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Avoid osteoporosis
  • Keep your heart fit
  • Helps mental health
  • Awaken sexual appetite
  • Gives me the energy to start the day
  • It gives me a feeling of general well-being
  • It helps me regularize my trips to the bathroom
  • Helps me sleep better
  • It whets my appetite

Benefits of running related to physical appearance

  • Maintain a good appearance (thinness)
  • Improve muscle development
  • Look young and active
Exercise reduces risk of Alzheimer's

Benefits of running related to personal gratification

  • Partner with a successful community
  • Do an outdoor activity
  • Being able to know other countries and cultures
  • Being able to eat more freely (to burn calories)
  • Demonstrate capabilities and stand out.
  • Generate endorphins.

Benefits of running related to socialization

  • Share with a group of friends or a couple.
  • Courting a person
  • Help someone in need

Benefits of running related to personal growth

  • Have time to think
  • Keep a promise
  • Meet a personal goal
  • Represent a country, region, or group in a competition
  • It helps me have discipline
  • It helps me eliminate or reduce stress

Benefits of running related to sports practice

  • Complement a sporting activity.
  • It is an easy sport to practice (technique)
  • It is an economic sport
  • It is a sport that does not take up my time

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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