10-Week Training Plan for New Runners

Escrito por: Patricia Rodriguez

Visitas: 112128

One of the most frequent questions beginners ask is how to start running. Every day we see more and more people running in the streets and parks of our cities. Most of them start, as we did, without guidance or assistance but with, a lot of desire. Here is a plan to start running for those beginners who cannot yet sustain a continuous run for more than 30 minutes, but are highly motivated to start.

Who can do this plan?

This training plan is for people who want to start running but cannot sustain a continuous run for more than 30 minutes.

How long does the plan last?

Duration: 10 weeks.

What will I achieve at the end of the plan?

Goal: Maintain a continuous run of at least 40 minutes at the end.

Comments about the plan

This plan combines walking with jogging to gradually decrease the amount of walking and increase the amount of continuous running.

A minimum of three exercise sessions is suggested, but if desired, an additional session can be added. It is recommended that the first session of each week be repeated.

It is highly recommended to intersperse each session with a rest day.

The jogging pace should be moderate. If a heart rate monitor is used, you should run at an aerobic level between 60 and 70% of the maximum heart rate.

This plan does not seek to run faster, but rather to achieve the 40 minutes of continuous running so no speed work will be done.

A typical training session should include joint mobility and light pre-stretching, a warm-up, training proper, a cool-down, and stretching afterward.

Plan to start running
Source: Sam Murphy, published in Marathon News (the official magazine of the London Marathon). Publish with permission of the author.

10-week plan to start running from scratch

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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