5 tips for a night run

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 5219

Night races are becoming increasingly common among running enthusiasts. Whether on trail or asphalt, these types of competitions are pretty exciting, as they present us with obstacles that we usually do not face, especially if we are the kind of people who go out to run in daylight. If it is a trail, the excitement is even more significant due to the added excitement of the terrain.

It is important to take into account some things in order to enjoy these races and meet the objectives that we set for ourselves. For example, the preparation in terms of nutrition will change a little, as we must adapt our pre-race nutrition plan for a few hours. In addition, this type of event requires essential special equipment: the flashlight.

Also, you can read: Most popular night marathons of the world

Taking these and other aspects into account, we give you five recommendations for a night race:

1.- To run at night, you must train at night:

Even if you train regularly and are in perfect physical shape, it is not enough to train in daylight. It is important to do some training at night if you want to participate in night races.

The more time you spend training at night, the better you will be able to adapt to the conditions in the dark and thus run faster and more efficiently in the race.

2.- Plan your nutrition well:

Night training will help your body adjust to exercising at unusual hours. However, running at night adds the challenge of changing your usual pre-race nutrition plan.

The first thing you should do is eat a complete, well-balanced breakfast. Four to six hours before the race, eat a small, simple, and light meal. Your last meal before the race should be 90 minutes to two hours before when you will eat something similar to what you usually eat before a morning race.

Just as you would with a daytime race, it is very important to take care of your hydration during the days leading up to it.

3- Mind your running pace:

When running at night, our senses do not respond the same way as during the day, especially when our vision is entirely different despite the torch. This can lead to you perceiving that you are running faster than you are.

Experience and night training are essential to know your natural pace in these conditions. If you usually run in the light and are not used to it, it is handy to use a sports watch to keep track of your pace.

4.- Rely on a second flashlight:

Lighting your route with a headlamp can alter your perception of everything around you and reduce your perception of relief.

For this reason, some runners compensate for this situation by carrying another auxiliary torch on their waist.

In addition to improving your field of vision, the possibility of one of them breaking down or running out of battery will not prevent you from finishing the race.

It is advisable to use two models with compatible power supplies, whether batteries or rechargeable batteries.

5.- Always stay alert:

We’ve already discussed how our senses are at a disadvantage in the dark when it comes to the dangers of the terrain we’re running on. So, learn to look at a certain distance to better anticipate obstacles or changes in the terrain.

This requires more attention and concentration than we might think, increasing fatigue compared to daytime races.

Do you have any other advice you’d like to share? Don’t hesitate to do so!

SourceUltra Trail Mont Blanc, Competitor

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