Sydney Marathon confirmed as seventh Marathon Major

Escrito por: Patricia Rodriguez


Australia’s annual city race officially joins the ranks of the world’s largest and most recognized marathons.

ABBOTT WORLD MARATHON MAJORS confirmed this November 4, 2024, that the TCS Sydney Marathon, presented by ASICS, will join the series in 2025, becoming the seventh marathon in the Abbott World Marathon Majors series.

The TCS Sydney Marathon, which will take place on August 31, 2025, joins six other races, including the Tokyo Marathon, Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America, TCS London Marathon, BMW BERLIN-MARATHON, Bank of America Chicago Marathon, and TCS New York City Marathon as part of the world’s most prominent marathon series.

How to register for the Sydney Marathon 2025?

The Sydney Marathon is the largest in Oceania. It achieved a record 20,272 finishers in its 2024 race on September 15, which enabled it to pass its second consecutive assessment and become an Abbott World Marathon Major.

All about the Sydney Marathon 2024

“I am delighted that Sydney will become the seventh Abbott World Marathon Major,” said Dawna Stone, CEO of AbbottWMM.

“The team in Sydney has been working for this day, every day, for over three years, and to see the improvement in their operations and event experience to the point where we can call them a Major has been deeply impressive.

“We can’t wait to see our community embrace this race as a Major and start planning their visits to run through the streets of one of the best cities in the world. Runners, your Sydney star awaits.”

Sydney will be part of the path to the next significant milestone, the new Nine Star medal, which will begin when two more races are added to the series; however, the Sydney finalists will be able to count the race towards their Nine Star in 2025.

The Sanlam Cape Town Marathon and the Shanghai Marathon, currently in the bidding process, could join the series in 2026 and 2027, respectively, if they pass two years of evaluations.

The current Six Star program will be maintained for runners seeking to complete the original six Abbott World Marathon Majors races. AbbottWMM is committed to maintaining the Six Star medal, which will continue to be awarded for this impressive achievement even when the Nine Star medal becomes available.

AbbottWMM also introduced a commemorative coin for each race to commemorate each runner’s journey and achievements, and Sydney now has one. Custom displays can be purchased to showcase the runner’s achievements from two to all seven races. The entire range is available here.

Wayne Larden, race director of the TCS Sydney Marathon, said, “Becoming the seventh Abbott World Marathon is simply incredible for the event, the city of Sydney, and the state of New South Wales. We could not have achieved the astonishing growth and improved delivery to enter the Majors without the support of the NSW Government, Destination NSW, and our key partners, TCS and ASICS. Our top-notch team has put a lot of effort into making this happen. It is extraordinary for all of us.

“This incredible achievement will have a profound impact on running in Australia, inspiring the community to become marathoners and do something special for themselves, their families, and friends. The health of the community will benefit along with a huge increase in fundraising”.

“We are very excited to deliver the 2025 event as part of the most important marathon series on the planet.”

Melissa Brotz, director of marketing and communications for Abbott, the series’ title sponsor, commented, “Marathoners around the world are committed to being the best and healthiest versions of themselves. Adding Sydney to the Abbott World Marathon Majors allows more people to celebrate what they can achieve by focusing on their health.”

The criteria used to evaluate candidates in the current evaluation process include all aspects of the runner’s experience, from the Expo to the race course, the level of elite athletes recruited, all operational procedures, safety standards, and more. The most recent race to be inducted into the series was the Tokyo Marathon 2013.


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