Boston Marathon Course

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 2709

Regarding the route for participants in this year’s Boston Marathon, it will cover 26.2 miles or 42.195 kilometers, with a total of 30,000 runners.

Route and Elevation of the Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon route will start in downtown Hopkinton, a town on the city’s outskirts. Runners will encounter a mostly flat and downhill path during the first half. However, they should pace themselves, as the second half of the route changes drastically with steep and exhausting inclines. This is especially true at kilometer 32, at the famous ‘Heartbreak Hill,’ which features a challenging 1,400-meter ascent.

Boston Marathon Route Video

Although this hill only stretches 3 kilometers, it demands high endurance and strength. Once the peaks and high elevations are behind them, the final 7 kilometers will be downhill, leading to the finish line on Hereford Street by the sea.

Below is a table with each mile’s elevation changes in meters and feet.

Boston Marathon Route Elevation


Here you will find information on the famous Boston Marathon hills:

Boston Marathon Hills

Hill NameLocation (km)LengthAscent
Hill 125.6 km969 meters22.9 meters
Hill 228.2 km480 meters22.6 meters
Hill 330.7 km640 meters19.2 meters
Heartbreak Hill32.5 km640 meters29.6 meters

Aid Stations

Hydration stations are located at every mile marker along the course and at the finish line. Although the marathon is considered one of the toughest, it cannot set a world record because certification rules prohibit a course where the finish line is at a lower altitude than the start, which is a crucial feature of this route.

Aid stations along the course close at staggered times throughout the day. The ones near the finish area close officially around 5:30 p.m.

Boston Marathon Elevation Markers

Digital clocks display unofficial times every 5 kilometers starting at 9:00 a.m. only. Signage indicates mile markers and 5K distances.

If a runner cannot finish the race, they can stop for assistance at one of the 26 medical stations along the course. Sweep buses will pick up runners at each medical station and transport them to the medical tent at the finish area.

Download the route in .GPX format, forecast, and time calculator for the Boston Marathon

You can download the Boston Marathon route in .GPX format, forecasts, and a time calculator are here: Running.COACH Calendar.

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