Cardiff Half Marathon 2024 Results

Escrito por: Juan Rojas


October 07, 2024Every year, thousands of visitors visit the Welsh capital, and the locals celebrate their biggest running event, which also belongs to the SuperHalfs series.

This year’s event kicked off at 10:00 a.m. local time, with more than 20,000 people participating. It started in front of Cardiff Castle and followed a 13.1-mile (21-km) route around the city’s famous landmarks, passing the Principality and Cardiff City stadiums.

The route took the runners through Penarth Marina before crossing into Cardiff Bay and passing the Norwegian Church and the Wales Millennium Center. After looping around the lake at Roath Park, the runners finished in front of the Cardiff Civic Center.

In the results, Patrick Mosin was the definitive winner of the men’s race, closing with an impressive official time of 1:00:02, adding another gold medal for the Kenyan country. On the other hand, Miriam Chebet, also Kenyan, won the women’s race with an official time of 1:06:43.

Also, in the local elites, Dan Nash was the first Welshman to cross the finish line, with an official time of 1:05:13.

Cardiff Half Marathon 2024 Elite Leaderboard Results

You can access the Leaderboard results at this link

Results Cardiff Half Marathon 2024
Results Cardiff Half Marathon 2024

Source: WalesOnline

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