Frequently asked questions from new runners

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 8871

Here are some of the most important questions new runners have.

1.- How should I breathe when running?

It would help if you breathe freely through your nose and mouth. You are expected to be very aware of how to breathe when you start, but you will see that over time, you will not breathe consciously, and your body will look for the most efficient way to take in the necessary oxygen.

Improve your endurance by training your breathing

2.- Should I eat breakfast before going for a run in the morning?

When you wake up, you’ve been fasting for at least seven hours. Going out for a run without taking anything into your stomach is not a good idea. Eat a light breakfast that gives you enough energy to work out. It’s also important to drink water when you wake up.

What should we eat before going out for a run?

3.- How much water should I drink when running?

When we run, we lose fluids. It is essential to replace these while running; otherwise, you risk dehydration. You can estimate the amount of fluid you need to replace by weighing yourself before and after a typical 60-minute training session. Remember that weather conditions influence fluid loss.

How much fluid should we drink when running?

4.- Long or short strides when running?

If you take very long strides, you will force your feet to land on the front of your feet, not your heels. This will also make you put in extra effort that will eventually exhaust you. Very short strides will not be of much help either. As you run more miles, your body will tend to find a comfortable stride. You can improve your posture and arm movement by running on the track or in a gym in front of a mirror.

What should your stride be like when running?

5.- Running on grass or asphalt?

Running on grass reduces the impact of running compared to a concrete or asphalt surface. It also strengthens specific muscles. However, it has the disadvantage that we do not always have grass and that stepping on uneven surfaces can cause a sprain. Try to alternate the different surfaces to get the best out of each one and avoid repetition, which causes injuries.

Advantages of using the athletics track for runners

6.- How many days should I run in a week?

It is essential to recover at least one day per week. Four to five days per week would be fine for someone just starting, while a more advanced runner can rest for just one day or even replace that break with an active rest where a low-intensity activity is performed.

What is the ideal weekly mileage for running?

7.- What do I do when I can’t train or run?

If you miss a workout, don’t try to compensate by adding the next one. Accept the loss and concentrate on what’s coming up in your training plan. If you add workouts, you’ll alter the nature of your plan and overload your body with a longer training time or intensity.

What do we do when we can’t run?

8.- What time of day is best for running?

We often run whenever our duties allow. If you can choose, find the time that suits you best. The morning is good because you leave the house and don’t run the risk of work stopping you from going out to train. The most obvious disadvantage is the need to sleep less in the morning. At the end of the afternoon, our bodies are warmer, and according to some studies, we are less likely to get injured. However, obligations sometimes end up dissuading us from going out for a run after an intense day.

5 tips for a night run

9.- How long should I train before my first marathon?

When you start training for a marathon (26.2 miles), it is recommended that you have built up a 12-16-week base. This base training should include at least three weekly aerobic training sessions and one long run. Remember that the marathon is demanding, and you must be prepared to enjoy this achievement.

Am I ready to run a marathon?

10.- Is using a heart rate monitor necessary when running?

Running requires nothing more than a good pair of shoes. However, having a heart rate monitor can be a great help when training, as it allows you to locate your aerobic and anaerobic zones. Its use is more important for beginner runners as they know their bodies; finding themselves in the different heart rate zones will be easier.

Why and for what purpose should you run with a heart rate monitor?

Do you have any questions you would like to ask us? Please feel free to ask!

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