Heat stroke: Symptoms, what it is and how to treat it

Escrito por: Lautaro Tabasco

Visitas: 2448

Heat stroke is a medical emergency characterized by an increase in body temperature above 40ºC and alterations of the central nervous system. Early diagnosis is essential because the mortality rate is very high if the appropriate initial measures are not taken.

Therefore, heat stroke is a disorder corresponding to an excess body temperature produced due to prolonged exposure to the sun or physical exertion when the temperatures outside are high.

What does heat stroke look like?

The two usual ways in which heat stroke can occur are:

1.- In connection with exercise in hot environments, which primarily affects young, healthy individuals.

2.- The classic form affects the elderly or individuals with debilitating diseases during intense heat waves.

Some of the symptoms of heat stroke may include:

  • Congested face.
  • Headache.
  • A feeling of fatigue and intense thirst.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Muscle cramps, convulsions.
  • Abundant sweating in heat stroke that ceases in heat stroke; in this case, the skin is dry, hot, and reddened.
  • Alterations of consciousness (drowsiness), respiration and circulation.

What to do to prevent heat stroke?

First, we must remember that liquids are the primary regulators of body temperature. Therefore, they should never be missing from our diet. It is usually recommended to drink two liters a day to maintain proper hydration, but in summer, we should increase the amount.

We should always have a bottle of water, as drinking is crucial even if we are not thirsty. Thirst is a symptom that the body needs to replenish fluids, and we should not go to such extremes.

Eating seasonal fruits

Along with water intake, we must consume foods rich in liquids, such as seasonal fruit, which will help us replenish mineral salts and provide us with perfect cellular hydration. Our diet mustn’t lack these foods, as it is an excellent way to ensure that the electrolytes that make up the body are in the right measure.

Take care of sun exposure

We must be cautious when exposed to the sun to avoid increasing our body temperature. If we are going to remain exposed to its action for a prolonged period of time, it is suggested that we use protection covering the head. Avoiding practicing sports in the hottest hours of the day or sunbathing are some of the points that we cannot overlook.

Eat light meals

Large meals that slow down our circulation can be another reason for increased body temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to eat lighter meals during the warmer months. Eating raw vegetables with more water content and minerals such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium is especially recommended.

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In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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