How do I know if I have a good 5K time?

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 36465

One of the biggest concerns of runners, especially novice runners, is how fast they should run a 5K (5 kilometers, equivalent to 3.10 miles) or any other distance. There is no rule to answer this question, as the times for each runner will depend on their age, running time, gender, and even the course conditions.

First, it is important to differentiate between 5K times for long-distance runners and those obtained by 5,000-meter flat athletes. Both competitions are different and require different conditions.

In long-distance running, 5-kilometer races are often referred to as 5K. Unlike 10-kilometer (6,21 miles) or half-marathon races (21K), elite athletes rarely participate in them, and the profile is mostly of popular runners.

What is a good 5K time?

A “good” time in a 5K race can vary greatly depending on your experience level, age, and personal goals. Here are some general benchmarks:


Beginners: For someone just starting out in running, a time between 25 and 30 minutes is pretty good. The focus here is usually on completing the race and improving endurance.

Intermediate Runners: Those with some 5K running experience often look for times between 20 and 25 minutes. This implies a faster pace and good training ability.

Advanced Runners: More experienced and competitive runners often finish in under 20 minutes. A time of 15 to 18 minutes is considered excellent at the competitive level.

Elite: For elite runners, times are even more impressive. Men running at the professional level can achieve times under 14 minutes.


Beginners: For a woman just starting to run, a good time is between 28 and 35 minutes. At this stage, the goal is usually to complete the race and gain endurance.

Intermediate Runners: Women with a little more experience can run a 5K between 23 and 28 minutes. This is a solid pace for those who have been training regularly.

Advanced Runners: More experienced runners are looking for times between 18 and 22 minutes. At this level, there is a strong focus on improving speed and technique.

Elite: Women who run at the competitive or professional level typically finish a 5K in less than 17 minutes. The best athletes in the world can achieve times of around 14:30 to 15 minutes.

Remember that everyone has their own pace and progression, so the most important thing is to set your own personal goals and improvements.

Age and gender averages for 5K races

Age plays a role in determining 5K averages, although, as you can see from the chart below, some age groups do better than their younger counterparts. Use these 5K averages as a guide to know where to expect to be when you start.

Age groupMenWomen
0 to 1534:4337:55
16 to 1929:3937:39
20 to 2429:2736:22
25 to 2931:0936:16
30 to 3431:2738:41
35 to 3933:4437:21
40 to 4432:2638:26
45 to 4933:1339:19
50 to 5434:3041:20
55 to 5937:3345:18
60 to 6440:3345:49
65 to 9942:5950:13

What is my 5K race time useful for?

However, knowing your 5K times can be very useful when predicting your race numbers for other distances. The ideal is to perform a check or competitive test that shows our best time in the distance of 5 kilometers and based on that time use the following predictive table to know your times by distance (10k,21k,42k).

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