Most common mistakes we make when we start running

Escrito por: Patricia Rodriguez

Visitas: 9373

When starting to run, beginners often make several common mistakes. Let me tell you what the most frequent ones are:

  • Running on a hard surface.
  • Train suddenly every day.
  • Not respecting sufficient quantities of water.
  • Wear inappropriate footwear.
  • Sleep and rest a little.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Not performing a good regenerative.
  • Train uncoordinatedly without a training plan.
  • Do not warm up or warm up beforehand.
  • Believe that you are Superman and overestimate your current level.

How to avoid these mistakes when starting to run

  1. Whenever possible, try to run on soft surfaces like dirt or grass. Avoid asphalt to minimize the impact on your joints.
  2. When we start running it is not necessary to do it every day because the body needs a period of adaptation. Otherwise, the person will become fatigued and, in most cases, risk injury.
  3. Usually, people do not drink water, this should be done before, during, and after training, even if we are not thirsty. It is essential to maintain and recover the minerals we lost. Thirst is already a sign of dehydration.
  4. It is not advisable to engage in long-distance training while wearing shoes with thin or worn-out soles, especially if running on hard surfaces. Doing so may result in various foot pains. To avoid this, it is recommended that you wear running shoes or sneakers. As you continue to train, you can invest in specialized footwear that suits your needs.
  5. Rest is part of training; therefore, if we sleep little, we will not recover for the next training session or for daily tasks. It is recommended that we sleep 8 hours per day.
  6. We are what we eat, therefore we must accompany training with good nutrition. If we have just started running and we are on a diet to lose weight, we should not stop eating, we should eat the same, otherwise, the body will not have the strength to run. This would cause fainting, dizziness, and vomiting.
  7. If we don’t have proper recovery and stretching, lactic acid will accumulate in our bodies, causing pain and muscle tension, especially in the lower body. This can lead to discomfort that we might think, “I’m not going to run today.” However, it’s important to persevere and maintain our training routine, as this helps eliminate the toxic substances causing the discomfort. Following the training session, we should engage in recovery exercises and stretching to help expedite the removal of these toxins.
  8. In some cases when a person starts running, they do it for three days in a row and rest for another five, then they run again for three more and rest for another five. In this way, the body does not get used to proper training. When you run again after those five days of rest, most of what you gained in the previous days will be in vain. Therefore, beginners are advised to run three times a week with breaks between workouts. For example: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is why it is essential to use a training plan. We recommend our running initiation plan or try our personalized running.COACH plan
  9. If we do not warm up, our bodies will be more susceptible to injuries due to the strain of the workout. Remember, training is a progressive process, and each session should begin gradually. Start with a gentle jog or mobility exercises to prepare the body for more intense effort.
  10. Some people, in the first weeks or months when they start running, do it at 100% of their capacity, so little by little, by demanding so much of ourselves, we deteriorate, and that is where the injuries come. Let’s remember that to run at a good pace we will have to reach that goal progressively.

Start running informed and using a training plan. This will help you maintain consistency and motivation. Luck!

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