Nutrition and hydration recommendations for 5K running

Escrito por: Karla Heredia

Visitas: 6281

5k is easy to say, but it is undoubtedly the 5k of the beginning, the adaptation, and the welcome to what we know as “being a runner”. Running this distance will be the starting point for an exercise that needs training and nutritional control that takes into account what to eat and how to hydrate.

Here are some simple and practical strategies that we recommend you follow before, during, and after your training or race.

  1. Try to start your training well-hydrated. One to two glasses of water 30 minutes before the start of your race will be sufficient.
  2. It is recommended that you have a pre-race snack 40 to 30 minutes before. This can be:

1 banana
1 compote
1 natural juice
1 slide of white bread with jam
1 snack or banana snack

  1. For 5k, it is unnecessary to consume carbohydrate loads during the competition (gels, sports drinks, gummies, among others) with your previous snack, and a good carbohydrate load the night before will be enough for this distance.
  2. Salt capsules are one of the runners’ most popular strategies, but they are not necessary for this opportunity because sodium losses at this distance are not significant.
  3. One of the most frequently asked questions is whether it is convenient to use caffeine for 5k. The answer is NO; caffeine has its maximum peak of action 45 minutes after being consumed, so for 5ks that are generally done in less than the time referred to, this supplement will not have a significant impact.
  4. At the end of the event, try to consume an immediate load of fruit, sandwich, or juice to replenish lost fuels, especially carbohydrates, and promote the recovery process.

Enjoy your race and remember that 5k can be the beginning!

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