Record 16,000 runners at the Ravenna Marathon 2024 (Ita)

Escrito por: Juan Rojas


Ravenna, November 10, 2024 – On a Sunday of colors and emotions, despite a rather cold morning, the 25th edition of the Esselunga Maratona di Ravenna Città d’Arte did not disappoint expectations. Many members invaded the streets of Ravenna during the weekend.

This event brought together more than 16,000 participants in the Byzantine capital during three days of events and initiatives, in total, of the various scheduled events. A link between the city and its most representative sporting event has been further strengthened, thus setting a new record very close to the absolute record set in 2019 in the pre-COVID era.

First, on Saturday, 2,652 children, teenagers, and entire families participated in the Esselunga Family Run that took place outside the Pala De André, the venue that hosted a very crowded Expo. Next, also on the eve of the big event, will be the Dogs&Run, a 6-legged marathon, with 350 dogs accompanied by 852 companions.

Initiatives that preceded a Sunday to remember for the whole city. At 9.15 a.m., start the Esselunga Maratona di Ravenna and the Consar Half Marathon with 4,029 participants (1,330 in 42K and 2,699 in 21K). Followed by hundreds of people with physical and intellectual-relational disabilities together with their companions of Correndo Senza Frontiere.

Then the city’s party started from De André towards Via di Roma, where all the Sunday distances finished: the Martini Good Morning Ravenna 10K with 8,541 registered participants. Until early afternoon there was a long celebration with arrivals on Via di Roma that continued to animate a city invaded by runners and their companions.

As for the official race results, the focus is on the Consar Half Marathon, which registered a new record for the women’s race and an absolute domination of Kenya, the winner of the four main races.

Cansar half marathon results

As for the official race results, the focus is on the Consar Half Marathon, which registered a new record for the women’s race and an absolute domination of Kenya, the winner of the four main races.

In the men’s race, the victory went to Kenya’s Kipcoech James Kipkogei with an excellent 1:00:28 followed by Kenya’s Kimutai Joseph Kimeli with 1:00:50 and Switzerland’s Raess Jonas took the third step of the podium in his debut in 1:02:18.

The best results were obtained in the Consar Ravenna women’s half marathon, also in this case with a hat-trick from Kenya. The winner and absolute star of the day was Cynthia Chepchirchir Kosgei with the new record of 01:09:45, knocking down the previous record of 01:10:49 by more than a minute. Second place went to Jepkogei Cheruyot Vivian at 01:09:50 and third to Nyaruai Wanjiru Veronicah at 01:10:11.

Consult Leaderboard

Ravenna Esselunga Marathon Results

Starting from the Esselunga marathon of Ravenna in the men’s category, the hat-trick of Kenya.

First place for Keiyo Samson Kipchirchir in 2:12:52, second for Mutai Vincent Kiprotich in 2:15:12, and third for Chepkorom Laban in 2:16:26.

In the women’s race, the victory went to the Kenyan Merci Jebet Kibor, who arrived exhausted at the finish line with a time of 2:44:55. Far behind the second classified, the Ethiopian Geta Betatu Aga in 2:50:51 and the third Maris Heinaru with 2:56:46.

As expected, incredible time results in the Consar Ravenna Half Marathon, particularly in the women’s race with seven athletes finishing with a better time than the previous race record.

Consult Leaderboard

At the arrival and departure of the event numerous representatives of the local authorities, Olympic medalists such as Gelindo Bordin, and the president of FIDAL, Italian Athletics Federation, Stefano Mei, demonstrated the absolute level of quality, both for the organization and for the participation, reached by the event organized by the Ravenna Runners Club and made possible by the more than 700 fantastic volunteers, the police and the fundamental partners who have chosen to embrace the Ravenna Marathon.


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