Recovery plan after marathon running

Escrito por: Juan Rojas

Visitas: 40009

Running a marathon always involves a great effort. Beyond the energy expended during it, all that effort and energy is accompanied by months of training, preparation, diets, and schedules, among other aspects that may include the preparation for a marathon or a race.

In the same way, all this great effort can bring excellent physical and mental wear, so once you’ve participated in the running event, it is always essential to give a significant weight to the post-marathon stage: rest.

Rest and sleeping blocks

Staying hydrated is essential for proper recovery.

It’s important to rest our bodies after completing a 42K marathon. Many runners are highly motivated after participating in such a demanding distance and want to continue running without stopping. However, it is crucial to take the rest that is due.

This aspect should never be displaced or taken lightly because to start the next training cycle with spirit and health, it is always important to respect the times of rest and rest to avoid injury or wear in areas that have suffered from overuse. This is especially true if you have a history of injuries.

Feeding inside the recovery/resettlement block

In addition, it is essential to remember that although you are going to take a short break, this does not mean you will miss out on healthy nutrition. Good nutrition and proper and continuous hydration are also essential to give your body what it needs, as well as the rest we discussed earlier.

Next, we recommend a recovery plan after finishing a 42-kilometer marathon. If anxiety and desire are high, cross-training, either in the pool or on the bike, can be an alternative.

Plan de recuperación después del maratón

Plan de recuperación después del maratón
SEMANA 1Descanso absolutoDescanso absolutoDescanso absolutoDescanso absolutoDescanso absolutoDescanso absolutoDescanso absoluto
SEMANA 2Trote suave 6kbici estáticaTrote suave 6kDescansoTrote suave 8kBicicleta o nataciónBicicleta o natación
SEMANA 3Trote suave 8kbici estáticaTrote suave 10kDescansoTrote suave 8kTrote suave 10kBicicleta o natación
SEMANA 4Trote suave 10kDescanso ó nataciónTrote suave 10k + Repeticiones 6-8 x 100mtsDescansoTrote suave 10kTrote suave 8k + 3k a paso de maratónTrote suave 10k
SEMANA 5Trote suave 10kDescanso o nataciónTrote suave 10k + Farlek 6-10 x max 3 minutos (recuperar lo necesario)DescansoTrote suave 10kTrote suave 15-20kBicicleta o natación

Necessary: Gentle jogging at a heart rate less than 70% of the maximum. Approximate time: 60 minutes or more. Maximum 75% of weekly mileage before the marathon.

Personalized plans with running.COACH together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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Entrenamiento para terminar un maratón de 42 kilómetros
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Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr
Plan para mejorar los tiempos en 5 kilómetros
Plan para correr 10 kilómetros (Principiantes)
Plan 5K para principiantes
Entrenamiento para terminar un maratón de 42 kilómetros
Rutinas de velocidad para correr 10 kms en menos de 60 minutos
Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr