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Due to the immoderate and abusive use of substances in sports, I would like to present something published by an expert working group in 2005 and published in a prestigious journal of Cardiology.
Athletes commonly use drugs and supplements, hoping to find an increase in their performance.
These substances include ergogenic and thermogenic supplements, stimulants, anabolic steroids, peptide hormones, and others.
Despite aggressive marketing and the use of testimonials, few scientific studies evaluate the risks and benefits of the use of these substances, even though some clinical observations have shown that certain supplements can generate serious adverse effects, including fatal reactions.
Athletes should make informed decisions considering whether serious information is available.
What is sought with the use of these substances?

Most of the drugs used in sports try to cover the following needs:
- Improve the execution time of the motor act.
- Improve strength.
- Decrease recovery time before the onset of fatigue.
- Reduce body fat.
- In other words, to improve sports performance.
Substance groups used to improve sports performance
There are different groups of substances used to enhance sports performance. Below is a grouping of them:
1.- Substances that can be included in this list are anabolic-androgenic steroids, for example:
- Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG).
- Androstenedione (known as ANDRO).
- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
These drugs are often sold as nutritional supplements.
2.- In the group of stimulants we include:
- Amphetamines
- Cocaine
- Dexadrine
- Ephedra
- Ritalin
- Beta-2 agonists and others.
3.- In the group of peptidic hormones and analogs, we have:
- Recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) is used as an alternative to blood doping.
- Growth hormone (hGC).
- Chorionic gonadotropin
- Corticotropins

They have also been used to increase sports performance.
Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, bee pollen, caffeine, glycine, carnitine, lecithin, brewer’s yeast, gelatin, creatine, protein supplements, and others that probably have minimal toxic effects in recommended doses.
5.- Many European countries have banned their sale of drinks enriched with taurine, caffeine, and glucuronate. However, few scientific studies have evaluated their efficacy or toxicity in rigorous documents.
Conclusions and discussion
This document will serve to open a subsequent discussion on each of the drugs mentioned, as we have already begun concerning blood doping.
Let us also remember that many of the products on the market include combinations of these drugs. In the same way, physicians should consider regularly studying athletes’ supplements to give expert advice.
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