The best supplements to improve sports performance

Escrito por: Juan Rojas


Are you looking for healthy organic supplements to help you improve your athletic performance? More and more athletes, sportsmen and women, both professional and amateur, are turning to dietary formulas to get the most out of their workouts. These natural products support sports nutrition, improving muscle growth, endurance, and energy levels.

How to improve your physical performance

Any athlete wants their work and effort to be visible, not only physically but also in other aspects of health. Therefore, it is advisable to follow a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle that includes getting enough sleep and trying not to let stress disturb your routine.

Generally speaking, athletes push their bodies to the limit at peak performance, so they may need an energy boost. Supplements for athletes can be a good option in these cases, as they have natural ingredients and formulas ideal for improving their physical performance.

Supplements in the field of sports nutrition

In line with the above, we will list the most popular and recommended dietary supplements for those athletes who wish to start supplementing their diet and sports routine with a formula that provides energy and improves their physical performance.

B Vitamins

The B vitamins are essential to help the body release energy as they metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. You should know that a deficiency of one or more vitamins can affect how a person exercises. Therefore, it is preferable to consult a health professional before resorting to a formula composed of B vitamins so that he can advise you on the best option that suits your needs.

Vitamin B12 deficiency mainly affects people who feel tired and have a weakened body. Vegan or vegetarian athletes should resort to a supplement with vitamin B12, as it is a component mainly found in animal products, so these groups of people are more likely to develop a deficiency of this vitamin.


Iron deficiency is common in athletes and can affect their performance. According to several researches, this deficiency is more common in women and people who practice endurance sports.

In addition, further research found that low iron levels can cause many adverse symptoms in female athletes, including reduced endurance and an increase in the amount of energy the body uses. The authors suggested that people could take supplements to reduce these effects, but only if dietary changes could not meet their needs. They also point out that people following vegetarian or vegan diets should take special care to ensure that they meet the required daily intake of iron, as iron from plant sources is less available in the body.

Calcium and vitamin D

Combining these two ingredients contributes to the development and regular maintenance of bones, teeth, and muscles. Calcium and vitamin D are also ideal for helping athletes maintain muscle mass and reduce the risk of injuries, such as bone fractures.

Although we can find calcium in many foods (dairy products, soy, green leafy vegetables, or particular fish), you should know that supplements that mix calcium with vitamin D provide extensive benefits for overall health. For example, some studies agree on its ability to protect against cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Coenzyme Q10

Moreover, studies have shown an association between low levels of coenzyme Q10 and increased fatigue. This is an enzyme in the mitochondria, the parts of cells that generate energy. Here are some of the conditions that experts have linked to lower levels of CoQ10 in the body: neurodegenerative, mitochondrial, cardiac, or muscular diseases, among other health disorders.

Specifically, research has shown that coenzyme Q10 can improve physical performance and reduce fatigue levels in healthy people who engage in regular physical activity.


Some athletes use creatine because of its nutritional support for athletic performance. People can get creatine from red meat and seafood, but it is also readily available as a dietary supplement. One study has shown that creatine supplementation can increase muscle mass and improve strength before or during training.

In addition, several laboratories tend to combine creatine with other substances, such as caffeine, taurine, and amino acids. This helps athletes to feel concentrated, reducing the time of exhaustion and fatigue, according to sources gathered from studies carried out by specific laboratories.


In this case, we are dealing with an Ayurvedic herb involved in increasing physical endurance in healthy athletes. Specifically, ashwagandha root extract can significantly increase endurance after 8 and 12 weeks of treatment compared to participants who received a placebo, as noted in a recent review.

Another study tested the effects of ashwagandha on the endurance of elite cyclists. After 8 weeks of treatment, those who took the supplement took longer to feel exhausted when doing a treadmill test than cyclists who received a placebo.

Tips before taking supplements for athletes

The vitamins and other ingredients mentioned in the article can be a safe way for athletes to try to improve their physical performance. However, it is important to consult with a physician before beginning to take any type of supplement, as these substances can interact with other medications a person may be taking.

You should know that taking too much of some supplements, such as iron, can cause adverse side effects. In addition, some vitamins may be ineffective unless a person has an existing deficiency. A health professional will best evaluate each individual’s deficiencies and how best to correct them if necessary.

Finally, supplementation is a great help for those who need an extra supply of vitamins, amino acids or other components. In any case, it is essential to combine the intake of these nutritional formulas with a balanced diet and restful sleep.


Williams MH. Dietary supplements and sports performance: introduction and vitamins. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2004 Dec 31;1(2):1-6.
Rogerson D. Vegan diets: practical advice for athletes and exercisers. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2017 Sep 13;14:36.
Filler K, Lyon D, Bennett J, McCain N, Elswick R, Lukkahatai N, Saligan LN. Association of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Fatigue: A Review of the Literature. BBA Clin. 2014 Jun 1;1:12-23.
Cooper R, Naclerio F, Allgrove J, Jimenez A. Creatine supplementation with specific view to exercise/sports performance: an update. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2012 Jul 20;9(1):33.
Choudhary B, Shetty A, Langade DG. Efficacy of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera [L.] Dunal) in improving cardiorespiratory endurance in healthy athletic adults. Ayu. 2015 Jan-Mar;36(1):63-8.

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