Tips to keep your pre-race nerves in check

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 4278

It is expected to feel nervous as you approach a race, regardless of the distance. Nerves are a sign that what you are about to face is essential to you. Here are some tips on releasing that tension and overcoming the limitations you often impose on yourself.

Intrusive thoughts: What if…?

Before a big race, it’s common for thoughts like “What if I don’t finish?”, “What if I get a cramp?” or “What do I do if I run out of energy?” to invade your mind. The key is not to avoid these thoughts but to embrace them. By doing so, we can prepare ourselves to handle them effectively and not allow them to dominate us. Recognizing that these thoughts are normal is the first step to acting assertively and having real control over the situation.

How to calm your nerves before a race?

Running is a unique and enriching experience. If it is your first time in a race of this magnitude, it is expected to feel anxious. However, remember that the work is already done. If you have followed a good training plan, now is the time to enjoy all you have achieved.

Here are some tips to calm your nerves and maintain your confidence.

1.- Train your mind as well as your body

In the days before and during the race, commit to reaffirming positive thoughts. Your thoughts influence your body, so it’s vital to maintain an internal dialogue that drives your performance.

Change the focus from “I’m nervous” to “I’m excited for this experience.” During the race, if you feel fatigued, avoid negative thoughts like “I can’t do it anymore” and replace them with phrases like “I’m strong” or “I can do it.” Training the mind is as important as training the body to work harmoniously.

2.- Use positive affirmations

Before the race, write a list of positive affirmations and carry them with you mentally during the race. Some phrases you can use are:

“I am worthy (a) to be here.”
“I am a strong person”.
“I am capable of finishing this race.”

Repeat these affirmations every time you feel doubt or fatigue. This mental reinforcement is crucial to keep you focused on your goals and prevent nerves from controlling you.

It is essential to control your restlessness before and during the race because training will not be enough to achieve your goals if your mind is restless. That is why it is so crucial for runners’ minds to be well-prepared for any event.

3.- Keep calm in the critical moments

At the starting line, visualize the effort you have put into getting to this point. As you move through the race, concentrate on what you have already accomplished instead of focusing on the distance you have left.

In the last few miles, remember all the training, sacrifices, and challenges you have overcome to get to this moment. Control your breathing, relax your mind, and keep going. Dedicate your final effort not only to yourself but also to the people who support you and are waiting for you at the finish line.

4.- Enjoy the process

Nervousness is part of the experience, but don’t let it consume you. Focus on enjoying every step of the race. Each kilometer run is a victory in itself. Visualize crossing the finish line with a sense of accomplishment, knowing you did your best.

5.- Establish a pre-race routine

Having a pre-race routine can help you feel calmer and more in control. This can include getting up simultaneously, having a light and familiar breakfast, and doing gentle stretching or mobility exercises. A routine allows you to eliminate last-minute decisions that could increase anxiety, helping you get into a more relaxed state of mind.

6.- Practice visualization

Many elite athletes use visualization to improve their performance. Before the race, spend a few minutes closing your eyes and visualizing each stage of the competition: how you will feel, maintain your pace, and overcome any obstacles. Imagine yourself crossing the finish line successfully and enjoying that feeling mentally. This practice prepares you to face reality with more confidence and fewer nerves.

7.- Breathe consciously

Deep, conscious breathing can help you reduce anxiety levels. Practice diaphragmatic breathing, inhaling slowly through the nose, allowing the abdomen to expand, and exhaling through the mouth in a controlled manner. Do this several times before the race and at critical moments during the race. This type of breathing will help you calm the nervous system and maintain control.

8.- Break the race down into smaller sections

A long run, such as a marathon or half marathon, can feel overwhelming if you only think about the total miles ahead. A good trick is to break down the race into smaller segments, such as running in 5K blocks or focusing on getting to the next water station. This approach lets you stay focused on the present and avoid overloading.

9.- Keep perspective

Finally, remember that while a race is important, it is only part of your journey as a runner. Keeping perspective helps reduce the pressure you put on yourself. If something doesn’t go as planned, there will be other opportunities to improve. The most important thing is to enjoy the process and appreciate your effort to get to this point.

Have you tried these techniques?

Do you use positive affirmations or specific techniques to calm your nerves before running? Let us know your experience!

If you want more tips on controlling your nerves before an important race, we invite you to read 7 tips on calming your nerves before a race.

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