Virtual races with viRACE app

Escrito por: Juan Rojas

Visitas: 15062

Many races and marathons have been canceled or postponed. The Swiss company Quevita created a solution for runners and race organizers. The mobile application viRACE allows you to run races virtually.

On the one hand, the developers want to use the viRACE app to motivate runners to exercise in everyday life and to offer the organizers of the many canceled running events a replacement platform to be able to refer to the race and its sponsors.

How does viRACE work?

STEP 1: Download viRACE to your cell phone.

Aplicación entrenador online running Google App

The viRACE app is free for Android and iOS smartphones and can be downloaded in the corresponding stores ( Link Android / Link iOS ). Participation in the virtual race competitions is also free of charge.

STEP 2: Log in to the viRACE application and create your username. The application is available in English.

STEP 3: Choose the race you want to participate in. You can also invite your friends to join you in the same race.

STEP 4: Before the competition, select your favorite friends from the list of participants.

STEP 5: Participants start at the same start time, at the same race, at the same distance, BUT not at the same place, but individually on their route. There is also the option of time window races, for example, over a weekend.

The smartphone takes care of time and distance measurement and split time results.

The highlight is that your split times and those of your running friends are transmitted live via voice. As a participant, you will always know how you are doing in the race, whether you are behind or ahead of your friends. Once you have run the specified distance, the ranking list will be displayed.

In addition, the user receives information about the virtual route of the respective event, such as “Now you run in front of the Obelisk” or “The lake Promenade is on your right.”

viRACE is already being used at upcoming significant events such as the Berlin Marathon, Bern Grand Prix, Zurich Marathon, and the Lucerne City Run.

The creators of running. COACH hopes to contribute to the long-term survival of running and convey a feeling of “WE” to the participants even during Coronavirus.

How do I participate in a virtual race?

The only condition for participating is to register to run. The distance and time are measured with the application.

What does viRACE offer race organizers?

Added value will be offered to organizers of canceled or postponed races with viRACE.

  • viRACE can be offered as a consolation prize for cancellation of the race.
  • Interest in the race can be maintained by offering a new type of experience in addition to the in-person option.
  • Major sponsors can find a way to connect with runners digitally within the app (virtual goodie bag, informational voice branding during the race, etc.).

Of course, the application can also be used even if the event did not have to be canceled or postponed.

  • You can generate anticipation before the event date (as a pre-race publicity measure).
  • An additional category of /registration for the race.

Interested organizers can contact us at [email protected] for details on the site, which can be co-designed with your logo and branding to promote the application.

We invite you to read: How to organize virtual races to raise funds?

We can also prepare a test demo on request.

Personalized plans with running.COACH together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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