What are the most common running injuries?

Escrito por: Lilia Nuñez

Visitas: 1923

One of the most frequent questions in consultations concerns the injuries associated with running. It is estimated that during a 42-kilometer marathon, an average of 38,000 steps are taken, and with each step, a load between 4 and 8 times the body weight is received. This means that in this distance, the joints of the lower limbs absorb or dissipate an average of 5 tons of weight. This is added to the fact that, in an average training program, a person runs 64 kilometers per week.

What are the most frequent questions?

In medical consultations of all specialties, the same question is frequently heard: does running damage the joints? Is the impact of running intense enough to produce degenerative joint changes? Of course, the loads that the lower limbs receive when running are significant.

Training errors are the most frequent cause of injuries

However, it is estimated that the adaptive capacity of joint tissue (hyaline cartilage) to these loads and its progressive recovery after exertion prevent injuries, and joint damage occurs only when this capacity for adaptation/regeneration is exceeded. Furthermore, it is proven that engaging in physical activity produces positive effects on the cardiovascular and metabolic systems that outweigh the possible adverse effects that may occur in the musculoskeletal system.

When reviewing the medical literature, more studies are found where there is no direct relationship between long-distance running and degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis, and other risk factors for producing these degenerative changes are emphasized, such as obesity, lower limb alignment alterations, joint trauma, and previous joint injuries.

Nevertheless, in long-distance runners, the incidence of injuries is very high, and it is estimated in some studies that at least 2/3 of runners sustain an injury within a year, with an injury severe enough to require rest from running and medical treatment.

There are studies demonstrating that running groups and clubs, while training for a marathon, have up to a 90% incidence of injuries within a year.

The most common injuries in runners are generally soft tissue injuries, which progressively inflame over time, hence they are called overuse injuries. These injuries occur when the tissues’ capacity for self-repair or regeneration is exceeded when subjected to rapidly increasing loads, whether in distance, frequency, or intensity during training.

These training errors are the most frequent causes of injuries in long-distance runners, as well as the use of inappropriate footwear and muscular imbalances.

What are the symptoms of the most common running injuries?

Below is a summary table of the main symptoms presented by the most common injuries in runners and some recommendations on how to prevent them.

Injuries associated with long-distance or endurance running

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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