What do we do when we can’t run?

Escrito por: Carlos Jimenez

Visitas: 1365

If we love running, we want to do it every day. However, the reality of our daily tasks sometimes prevents us from doing what we like most. An important deadline at work, a trip, or a weekend party can make our training difficult, not to mention an illness or injury. The first thing we must accept is that this is part of life and that we must combine running with work and family.

Some things to keep in mind when we cannot run or do other sports activities:

  1. One day off is not the end of the world. If you miss a day or two of training, don’t try to make it up, stick to your plan and don’t pile up those workouts. It’s okay. Just relax and see those days as a restful break.
  2. One week off is not the end of the world, either. If you miss more sessions or even a whole week due to travel, unique work, or the flu, you can repeat the week if you don’t have a commitment on the agenda or evaluate with your coach whether to continue with the next week of your training plan. One week off will not noticeably affect your condition as long as you get back to training.
  3. If the absences are more frequent, evaluate the situation. When you start missing training sessions on a recurring basis, you risk becoming a weekend runner.

You need to ask yourself some questions and evaluate what’s going on. It’s time to make decisions: 1. Are you taking on more commitments than you can handle? 2. What are your priorities? 3. Have you been unable to run, or are these excuses? 4. Is the time you chose to train the most appropriate?

Remember the benefits of training and find a way to keep training but with realistic goals.

In our running.COACH plans, you can schedule weeks of rest or vacation. The advantage is that the plan will be updated accordingly upon your return.

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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