Who was the first woman to participate in a marathon?

Escrito por: Patricia Rodriguez

Visitas: 12633

Kathrine Switzer: A Woman Who Made History

Women have always had to deal with multiple occupations and commitments. We are mothers, wives, professionals, workers, athletes, and many others.

In case you don’t know, Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run a marathon with a bib, and she did it in the 1967 Boston Marathon despite all the inconveniences of her time. At that time, no woman had ever officially run a marathon, as many health experts felt that the 42.195-kilometer distance could be harmful to women.

Believe in your abilities

Despite the advice of her coach, who considered Kathrine too fragile to try, she entered the race under the name KV Switzer. She never imagined that she would become one of those women who made history when, in the middle of the race, she was interrupted by members of the organization who, realizing she was a woman, tried to stop her.

Her struggle to continue racing became one of the most iconic images in women’s sport, a moment that would make anyone sweat! Finally, with the help of other runners, her boyfriend, and friends, Kathrine crossed the finish line in 4 hours and 20 minutes.

“If you’re losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.”

Kathrine Switzer

Women in competition

It wasn’t until 1972, five years after Switzer’s feat, that the Boston Marathon officially accepted women into the competition. Subsequently, she won the New York Marathon in 1974 and came in second in the Boston Marathon in 1975. Since then, she has run 39 marathons and has been a runner for 53 years.

We share this interview given by Kathrine Switzer in January 2020 for BBVA.

Kathrine remains an icon of the female struggle. At 71, she participated in the 2018 London Marathon, a special event commemorating the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote.

Kathrine Switzer is a motivational speaker. She has written books and articles about women’s sports and works tirelessly to promote athletic opportunities worldwide for women runners.

Switzer proved she could run the marathon distance: 42,195 kilometers, proving, as her coach told her then, that women have a profound potential for endurance and stamina.”

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