Why does my neck hurt when running?

Escrito por: Juan Rojas

Visitas: 3310

It is curious, but despite not being included in a list of runner’s injuries, neck pain seems to be very frequent when performing this activity, so much so that some publications call people who suffer from it “turtle runners.”

Pain in the neck, head, shoulders, and even arms may be due to tension of the upper back and deep neck muscles. Much of the responsibility falls on the trapezius muscle, the upper fibers, as these insert directly into the nuchal ligament and mastoid process (in the skull).

Running with tense shoulders lifts these muscles, and this posture and maintained load generates a lot of tension and stress in the upper back and neck. It has been proven that the tension of the upper trapezius fibers is associated with temporary headaches, dizziness, and vertigo. It is also necessary to mention an essential group of muscles related to this ailment, such as the scapula elevator, the suboccipital muscles, the sternocleidomastoid, and the scalenes.

Poor posture during work activities that generate muscular imbalances and are maintained during running should also be considered.

The following imbalance characterizes the turtle runner posture:

  • shortening of the pectorals, which causes the anterior projection and elevation of the shoulders to be maintained and perpetuated over time;
  • anterior projection of the head, causing a lot of tension to the posterior neck musculature that will be transmitted to the whole back, generating imbalances that translate into pain;
  • The weakness of the abdominal muscles plays an essential role in maintaining good posture.

In these cases, the recommendation is to perform stretches that also involve the muscles of the head, neck, and the entire posterior chain, in addition to following a plan of strengthening exercises to re-educate the abdominals, mid-back, and pelvic girdle to improve posture and be more efficient when running.

When headaches occur, cryotherapy applied to the nape and back of the neck helps to relieve pain.

As always, it is recommended that you consult a specialist in the event of any of the clinical manifestations mentioned above.

Source: Travell and Simons. Myofascial pain and dysfunction / RunFitners

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