Differences between running and walking

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 14448

Many people ask us which is better, running or walking. The answer is that it depends. The decision is personal, and it is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each exercise to determine which one best suits our needs.

Running and Walking provide improvements to our mental and physical health.

There are a few differences between the benefits of walking and running for our health. Both improve our circulation, immune system, and self-esteem and ward off depression. Running provides greater aerobic capacity and muscular strength. Walking, on the other hand, generates less impact on our joints.

Running and walking are inexpensive activities

We just need the right shoes and we can exercise. We also recommend purchasing a heart rate monitor or sports watch or downloading an application that counts steps and measures distance.

Running allows us to lose weight faster

It sounds logical to think that running consumes more calories than walking. However, walking vigorously and at a high heart rate will bring us quite close to the consumption of a runner. Walking at a brisk pace burns about the same number of calories per kilometer, although it takes longer to reach the same distance.

Which uses more calories, running or walking?

sport or activityMET
3 Kilometers in an hour in a horizontal plane2.5
3 kilometers in one hour downhill3
4 kilometers in one hour3
5.6 kilometers in one hour4
6.4 kilometers in one hour4
7.2 kilometers in one hour4.5
Accelerated pace greater than 7.3 km/hour6.5
On the rise8
8 km/hour (pace of 7.5 minutes per kilometer)8
8.3 km/hour (pace of 7.22 minutes per kilometer)9
8.6 km/hour (pace of 6.25 minutes per kilometer)10
10.7 km/hour (pace of 5.6 minutes per kilometer)11
11.2 km/hour (pace of 5.35 minutes per kilometer)11.5
12 km/hour (pace of 5 minutes per kilometer)12.5
12.5 km/hour (pace of 4.7 minutes per kilometer)13.5
13.8 km/hour (pace of 4.35 minutes per kilometer)14
14.4 km/hour (pace of 4.2 minutes per kilometer)15
16 km/hour (pace of 3.75 minutes per kilometer)16
17.5 km/hour (pace of 3.42 minutes per kilometer)18
Jogging uphill15

Calculation of caloric expenditure for different sports

To convert 1 MET to Kcal. /min. Apply the following equation:

Kcal. /min.= MET x 0.0175 x YOUR WEIGHT (Kg.)

Walking hurts less

When walking there is no flight phase so less impact and load is generated on our joints. This will reduce the number of muscle and skeletal injuries associated with physical activity.

Who can walk

Walking does not require any prior training. Any day is a good day to start walking, and even people who have health problems such as diabetes, osteoporosis, or obesity can and should walk.

It is very difficult (if not impossible) to overtrain while walking. Given the physical demands of running, many runners suffer from injuries or overtraining, but that doesn’t happen when walking.

How to start running or walking?

It is proven that walking is the first step to starting any other physical activity, especially for very sedentary or overweight people. If you want to start walking and then run, we suggest our Plan to Start Running

The important thing is not to be sedentary in front of the TV or computer. You decide if you run or walk but move!

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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