Running or walking with weights on your arms or legs?

Escrito por: Patricia Rodriguez

Visitas: 6159

Walking or running with weights on your arms—that is the question. Certainly, this practice can be beneficial, but of course, if done correctly.

How to do running or walking with weights on the arms

According to the book “Walking and Gentle Running” by Dr Klaus Bos, we must be careful when walking with additional weights as the added load can modify the mechanics of the movement, producing tension in the shoulders and the back of the neck. If you insist on trying it, do not use dumbbells because they alter the blood supply to the hands. In this case, it will always be better to use wrist straps weighing 100 or 200 grams, which will be enough since the weight will increase when we walk.

On the other hand, Rachelle Cabrera in affirms that carrying weights in our hands when walking or running will not be enough to develop or tone muscles. Obviously, the only benefit will be increasing physical endurance. The final decision is yours; the important thing is to keep moving and avoid injuries.

Another alternative is to use a “weight vest,” which is not recommended for people with neck or spine problems.

Benefits of running or walking with weights

These are many since adding that extra and moderate weight in the arms and even in the legs improves our conditions in more than one aspect:

  • Defines and tones muscles.
  • Improves the cardiovascular system.
  • It helps burn more calories.

Develops more endurance and speed, which translates into more power.

Another aspect that can be considered is running with weight on the ankles, although you should never perform the exercise with both weights (on the arms and on the ankles) because that way, you can cause greater wear and generate muscular problems for the body, among other things.

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