Berlin Marathon Curiosities

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista


On the eve of the Berlin Marathon, we bring curiosity about this event, one of the most important in the world in marathons.

Kipchoge and his world record

One of the biggest historic moments within the BMW Berlin Marathon occurred in 2022 when long-distance world record holder Eliud Kipchoge broke the world record for the marathon distance at 2:01:09.

This mark would later be surpassed by Kelvin Kiptum, the late Kenyan runner who clocked 2:00:35 at the 2023 Chicago Marathon and shattered his compatriot Kipchoge’s then-world record by 34 seconds.

This marathon has been known for helping many athletes achieve their career peaks. Before Kipchoge, another Kenyan, Dennis Kimetto, achieved the previous world record with a time of 2:02:57. In 2019, Kenenisa Bekele was a few seconds behind Kipchoge’s world record with 2.01:41, the third-best time in history.

Where to watch the Berlin Marathon broadcast in your city?

The fastest and flattest

This marathon has many characteristics and singularities, but undoubtedly, the best known is its route since it is flat and is the fastest among the world’s great marathons.

The route is distinguished by the large and wide streets and avenues of Berlin, which in turn avoid congestion of runners during the event and, therefore, well-distributed mobility throughout the course. This route, in addition to being a route throughout the city, becomes a different and fun tourist event for lovers of the world of long-distance running.

In addition to the sightseeing tour, the route is blessed with trees that cover the road and provide shade to the runners, preventing them from being exposed to the scorching weather.

Read also: Know the route and altimetry of the Berlin Marathon

Wrong goal?

A common mistake among new competitors is that when they see the Brandenburg Gate, they usually think this is where the finish line is, but this is not the case. Between the Brandenburg Gate and the finish line, there is a distance of about 200 meters to go, which has worked against more than one of them.

The Berlin Union

Another curiosity has to do with one of the great moments in the 1990 edition; before that year, the marathon was held on the West side of the German capital, but after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it was held around the entire city, both on the West and East sides, marking a new era for this event and for the Germanic nation, becoming a unique moment in the world of sport.

Singular refreshments

The refreshment of this marathon stands out and is something that runners hardly ever forget. This is because during the race, the refreshment points, besides offering energy-rich fruits such as bananas and apples and hydrating energy drinks such as Red Bull and Gatorade, also have the particularity of providing cold tea and hot tea.

To close with a flourish at the finish line refreshments, this German marathon honors its nation and offers runners beer, but in this case without alcohol, of course.

Every year, this marathon brings us great moments and makes history together with its protagonists, leaving great expectations year after year.

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