5K Running Plan for Beginners (8 Weeks)

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 21290

Considerations for training for a 5K race

As always, the first thing is to be sure you are in good health to do a sport of this nature. If all goes well, start with this eight-week plan to build a foundation. In our countries, 5-kilometer races are not abundant, but this agenda will help you have “aerobic capital” to start and then a plan to run the 10 kilometers.

Aimed at: people who want to participate in a 5-kilometer competition or have the goal of participating in a 10-kilometer race. They must maintain a continuous run for at least 40 minutes.

Duration: 8 weeks.

Goal: Participate in a 5-kilometer competition. There is no specific time goal to cover the distance.

Observations on the plan:

Each week has different sessions, as follows:

1. Jog: The pace you should run allows you to feel comfortable and start a conversation. If you have a heart rate monitor, keep your heart rate above 50% of your maximum.

2. Jog-walk: This session consists of running distances of 1 minute and up to three minutes, interspersed with equal periods of walking.

3. Walk: Walking sessions of up to 60 minutes. If it’s too hard for you, do 30 minutes and add 5 minutes per week.

4. Rest: this part of training is critical. Please don’t skip it.

Below are the details for each week, day by day.

5K Running Plan for Beginners (8 Weeks)

Source: Hal Higdon, published in the book Run Faster.

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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