5K Running Plan for Beginners (8 Weeks)

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 21290

Considerations for training for a 5K race

As always, the first thing is to be sure you are in good health to do a sport of this nature. If all goes well, start with this eight-week plan to build a foundation. In our countries, 5-kilometer races are not abundant, but this agenda will help you have “aerobic capital” to start and then a plan to run the 10 kilometers.

Aimed at: people who want to participate in a 5-kilometer competition or have the goal of participating in a 10-kilometer race. They must maintain a continuous run for at least 40 minutes.

Duration: 8 weeks.

Goal: Participate in a 5-kilometer competition. There is no specific time goal to cover the distance.

Observations on the plan:

Each week has different sessions, as follows:

1. Jog: The pace you should run allows you to feel comfortable and start a conversation. If you have a heart rate monitor, keep your heart rate above 50% of your maximum.

2. Jog-walk: This session consists of running distances of 1 minute and up to three minutes, interspersed with equal periods of walking.

3. Walk: Walking sessions of up to 60 minutes. If it’s too hard for you, do 30 minutes and add 5 minutes per week.

4. Rest: this part of training is critical. Please don’t skip it.

Below are the details for each week, day by day.

5K Running Plan for Beginners (8 Weeks)

Source: Hal Higdon, published in the book Run Faster.

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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Plan 5K para principiantes
Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr
Plan para mejorar los tiempos en 5 kilómetros
Plan para correr 10 kilómetros (Principiantes)
Plan 5K para principiantes
Entrenamiento para terminar un maratón de 42 kilómetros
Rutinas de velocidad para correr 10 kms en menos de 60 minutos
Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr
Plan para mejorar los tiempos en 5 kilómetros
Plan para correr 10 kilómetros (Principiantes)
Plan 5K para principiantes
Entrenamiento para terminar un maratón de 42 kilómetros
Rutinas de velocidad para correr 10 kms en menos de 60 minutos
Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr