Nutrition and hydration for 10 km races

Escrito por: Sandra Suarez

Visitas: 7996

Written by: Lic. Sandra Suarez

Lic. in Nutrition and Dietetics/Magister in Human Nutrition

If you want to feel more energetic than ever in 10K races, follow the recommendations below:

The day before your 10K race:

  1. Drink 10-12 glasses of water or enough to make your urine clear.
  2. Sleep at least 8 hours.
  3. Rest and do not exercise.
  4. Do not drink alcoholic beverages or those containing caffeine.
  5. Try to eat a pasta dish with a low-fat sauce and fruit juice at lunch and dinner.

Breakfast on the day of the event

1 ½ -2 hours before the race consume: (If your weight is less than or equal to 60 Kgs, choose the lesser amount from the range of examples below)

Choose one from each group:

  1. Fat-free milk or Yogurt (1/2 – 1 cup).
  2. White bread (2-3 slices), a soda cracker (1-2 packages), ½ – 1 large bagel, or nonwhole-type crackers (1-2 packages). Avoid whole grain cereals and prefer white.
  3. Fruit/jam (100 gr. /15 gr.). Avoid watermelon and melon.
  4. Low-fat white cheese (1-2 slices).
  5. For breakfast, avoid strawberries, melon, grains, and foods with fiber (whole grains), high fat, and high protein.

During the 10 km race

  1. Drink two glasses of water 15 minutes before the start of the race.
  2. If you drink the two glasses before the start of the race, you can begin hydration after 20-30 minutes.
  3. Drink water or energy drinks frequently in small amounts. Don’t expect to feel thirsty, and avoid drinking large quantities at one time.

After the 10-kilometer race

  1. At the end of the race, drink more energy or eat an available carbohydrate source (fruit, crackers, gel, energy drink, pretzels, cereal bars, etc.).

Drink as much fluid as necessary to make your urine clear again.

As you will see, nutrition is key to improving every day in the race. So try to learn every day and seek the best advice so you can run more and better.

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