Plan to improve times in 5 kilometers (12 weeks)

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 17066

Target audience: People who have already completed a 5K run and want to improve their times at this distance.

Duration: 12 weeks.

Goal: Improve your 5K time.

Notes on the plan:

  1. Time refers to the time you want to complete. Set a realistic goal, such as improving your previous time by 2-3%. For example, run the 5K in 20 minutes.
  2. Average pace: refers to how many minutes it takes you to run a kilometer on average, at your desired time. For example, if you want to complete the 5K in 20 minutes, the average pace is 4 minutes per kilometer.
  3. Fast pace refers to a pace faster than the average, say 2.5% faster. In the example, it would be running at about 3:53/kilometer.
  4. Hard pace refers to a pace faster than the average, say 5% faster. In the example, this would be running at about 3:45/km.
  5. Tempo pace: 12.5-28 seconds slower than the 5-minute pace per kilometer. In the example, this would run at 5:12-5:28/km.

Plan to improve times in 5 kilometers (12 weeks)

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