Training for the first 42 km marathon (20 weeks)

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 31207

Plan considerations

People with at least six months of uninterrupted running regularly have participated in 10K and 21K races. M information on preparing for your first marathon: Am I ready to run a marathon?

Duration: 20 weeks

Goal: Finish the marathon

Observations on the plan:

  1. Although the goal is to finish the marathon and not to meet a particular time, performing a 5 km check is suggested to have a reference time, which allows for projecting the duration. For example, if you run 5 km in 25 minutes, your reference time for the marathon is 4 hours 3 minutes.
  1. With the projected time for the 42 kilometers, you can calculate the marathon pace using the calculator in the following link. For example, to run the marathon in 4h03m, you should run each kilometer at 5:45.
  2. Light pace: You should run above 60% of your maximum heart rate but at a pace where you can converse and feel comfortable. In the example, the light pace would be between 6:00 and 6:30 minutes per kilometer.
  3. Tempo pace: You should run 15-20 seconds over your 5K pace. For example, running the 5k in 25 minutes equates to a 5-minute per mile pace, giving you a tempo pace of 5:15-5:20 per mile.

Bits of Advice

  1. Go to a doctor and check that you can perform this type of training.
  2. Eat something light before each training session. Do not run on an empty stomach.
  3. Stretch gently before each exercise session.
  4. Stretch at the end of each exercise session.
  5. Do two days of strength training. Focus on the glutes, calves, quads, abs, and back.
  6. Training lost is lost. Do not accumulate it.

Training for the first 42 km marathon (base weeks)

Training for the first 42 km marathon

Personalized plans with running.COACH together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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Entrenamiento para terminar un maratón de 42 kilómetros
Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr
Plan para mejorar los tiempos en 5 kilómetros
Plan para correr 10 kilómetros (Principiantes)
Plan 5K para principiantes
Entrenamiento para terminar un maratón de 42 kilómetros
Rutinas de velocidad para correr 10 kms en menos de 60 minutos
Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr
Plan para mejorar los tiempos en 5 kilómetros
Plan para correr 10 kilómetros (Principiantes)
Plan 5K para principiantes
Entrenamiento para terminar un maratón de 42 kilómetros
Rutinas de velocidad para correr 10 kms en menos de 60 minutos
Plan de entrenamiento para empezar a correr