Training Plan to finish 21K (12 weeks)

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista

Visitas: 4210

The Half Marathon is a friendly distance; for those who have run 5k or 10k races, the 21k is the next step up. Experienced runners know it doesn’t require as much commitment as marathon preparation, and recovery is much quicker. If you follow this 12-week program, you’ll be able to run the Half Marathon with ease.


Long Run (L). The long run is vital to this training, and you will increase the distance on Sundays until you reach 16k. Rest is crucial in any training program.

Run (C). These days, you should run at a comfortable speed that allows you to talk with your training partners. Ultimately, it would be best to concentrate on speeding up a little to finish faster. It is better to run a little slower than a little faster in this run.

Strength and Flexibility (F&F). On these days, you should rest, strengthen other muscles, and do stretching exercises.

Alternative Training (AT). It is important not to do it too vigorously. Any aerobic exercise that allows you to use different muscles and rest from the pounding of the race. The alternative exercise is on Wednesday in this program, but the order can be changed. The recommended exercises are swimming, cycling, jogging, or walking.

Rest (R): During rest, the muscles regenerate and strengthen. If you are constantly tired, you cannot reach your potential. This is why two days of rest per week are recommended.

Training Plan to finish 21K (12 weeks)

First half marathon training plan

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