What should we eat before going out for a run?

Escrito por: Sandra Suarez

Visitas: 6418

With this article, I would like to answer one of the most frequently asked questions among runners: What should I eat before going out for a run?

What should I eat before training?

Below, I present menus where I suggest what to eat depending on whether your training will be short or long.

If the training is short, 30 minutes before, whether in the morning or afternoon, you can consume:

  • One serving of fast-digesting protein foods with low-fat content.
  • 1-2 servings of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Two glasses of water (500cc) 15 minutes before starting the race.

If the training is long (more than or equal to two hours), at least one or one and a half hours before the race you can consume:

  • 2-3 servings of fast-digesting protein foods with low fat content.
  • 1g/kg of weight of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Two glasses of water (500cc) 15 minutes before starting the race.

Fast-digesting protein foods
(1 serving)
Easily digestible carbohydrates
(15 grams = 1 serving)
¾ cup skim milk. (Use lactose-free if you are lactose intolerant.)3 Maria or semi-sweet cookies (20 grams).
¾ cup skim yogurt. (Use lactose-free if you are lactose intolerant.)One small banana (75 grams).
Ricotta (30 grams)Other fruits (grapes, pineapple, papaya, peach, tangerine) (100-150 grams).
Light cream cheese (30 grams)Soda crackers (20 grams) 2 whole crackers
Newton cookies or fruit-filled cookies (25 grams) _1 ½ cookies.
Pretzel (20 grams) (13 small units)
Sponge cake (20 grams)_ ½ of the small round ones or 1/3 of the traditional rectangular commercial one
White bread (30 grams) (1 slice)
Loaf or French bread (30 grams) 1/7 loaf. One loaf is equivalent to 7 servings
Jam (20 grams)_ 1 tablespoon
Bagel (30 grams) ¼ large unit.
List of foods that a runner can consume before training

To calculate how many servings of carbohydrates you should consume, divide your weight by 15, and the value will correspond to the servings of carbohydrates you should eat before running. For example:

Weight: 70 Kg.

Carbohydrates (g): 70 gr.

Servings of carbohydrates: 70 gr/15 = 4.5 servings

  • Two glasses of water (500cc) 15 minutes before starting the race.
  • Add a little salt to this food.

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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