Why can’t I lose weight if I run so much?

Escrito por: Sandra Suarez

Visitas: 15260

This is one of the most frequently asked questions among those who, despite running and running, have not been able to lose weight.

I would like to use this article to mention several answers that might fit your particular situation. If you find yours, it will be easier to avoid having to ask yourself the unpleasant question again.

Reason 1: You don’t eat enough

You became anorexic and athlete of the year at the same time. If it turns out that you started doing a lot of exercises and simultaneously a diet of tuna and pineapple, chances are that you have activated in your body a permanent mechanism of reserve and energy saving, and therefore, you have made it extremely efficient.

The body instead of thinking about spending kilocalories, wants to save energy like crazy because of the starvation to which you have subjected it. We want the body to be inefficient and wasteful of energy if we want to lose weight.

Reason 2: You compensate yourself daily for the exercise you have done.

“If this sentence sounds familiar to you, you are probably thinking that running for an hour allows you to eat whatever you want, and believe me, unfortunately, it is not that easy.

We usually overestimate the energy we expend and underestimate the energy we eat.

For example, you can quickly estimate the kilocalories you expend while jogging flat, if you multiply your weight by the distance covered. Ex. 10 km x 60 kg = 600 Kcal.

You can eat these 600 kilocalories in less than 5 minutes with these foods:

Pice of Cake 150 g
1 medium piece Pizza 200 g (2 slices)
Chocolate 113 g
Ice cream 240 g (1 cup)
Peanuts, pistachio, cashew 100 g (1 cup)
Alcoholic beverages 200 CC (a little less than 1 glass)
Sweet or savory cookies 130-150 g (1 cup)

Reason 3: You go too many hours without eating

When this happens, you eat very hungry and compulsively, which results in overeating. When you realize that you are full, you are already bursting at the seams.

In addition, when the body gets a lot of food at once, it uses what it can at the moment, but it must store the rest, and consequently, you accumulate fat daily.

We need an accumulated energy deficit of 7000-7500 Kcal to lose 1 kilo of body fat.

This means that if we need 2000 Kcal to maintain our current weight, we must eat less every day until we achieve the deficit necessary to reach our goal.

If you need 2000 Kcal and every day you eat 1500 Kcal, every month you will lose 2 kilos of body fat (500 Kcal/d x 30 days= 15.000Kcal deficit, and each kilo of fat is 7500Kcal/ so 15.000 Kcal is equivalent to 2Kg. of fat).

I hope you have found your answer and if so, let’s get to work.

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