Workouts according to your body type

Escrito por: Juan Rojas

Visitas: 975

Have you ever wondered why some people find gaining or losing weight easier?

What is the reason for this?

We are not all the same because people have different bodies, phenotypes, and morphologies that react differently. Therefore, one person can’t perform the same training as another, thinking that he/she will obtain the same results.

Physical trainers perform several tests and measurements to determine a person’s condition when designing their routines. Maybe you have a few extra pounds you want to lose or are too thin and want to gain muscle mass.

Body categories

The body types are grouped into three main categories: ectoforms, endoforms, and mesoforms. It is important to understand that each has different needs and requires different exercises and practices to obtain the desired result.

  • Starting with the ectoformed body, it is observed that the man or woman usually has long arms and legs, apart from little musculature and a fast metabolism. This means that no matter how much he or she eats, gaining weight or muscle mass will be difficult. It is, therefore, advisable for them to avoid so many hours of cardio since they do not need it to any great extent, and in the end, it can be counterproductive. In the same way, it is not recommended that they start fasting or reduce their food intake; on the contrary, in some cases (depending on the individual), their diet can be significant. expanded by increasing their meal times and portion sizes in certain foods such as carbohydrates, proteins, and mostly good fats and concentrating on power and strength exercises (as you can see here). Because the ectomorph lacks muscle, using explosive dynamic routines is vital for the legs and arms to gain more strength. It may be good to do a routine of a few repetitions but with little weight. Another option is to do 10-12 repetitions sets and slightly increase the load in the last repetitions. Of course, just in those last exercises, you have to be more careful with the posture and the good execution of the exercise because the effort can bend the spine or use muscles that should not be working.
  • The mesoform group belongs to those who find it less difficult to gain muscle since their body is balanced and neither too thin nor too thick. Those who belong to this group only require standard strength and endurance exercises that allow them to burn the fat index and bring it to desired levels and strengthen the muscles that most of them usually have, so they do not require exercises that are applied for the formation and growth of the musculature.
  • As for the endomorphs, they are characterized by a slightly thicker build, so their body composition could make it difficult for them to lose weight. It is a fact that people process food in an already established way, which cannot be controlled, but adjustments can be made to the diet so that it offers the best possible benefits. Ideally, a person with an endoformed body should have the willpower to run a lot or at least jog and walk long distances to burn fat and activate their joints. Perhaps the knees have to support a hefty weight, which is not a pleasant situation, an aspect to consider in this type of body morphology.

How do I define the ideal routine for me?

If you are looking for your routine, the first step should be to visit a certified trainer and a nutritionist. They can together, based on your body type, define what nutritional diet and what types of exercises are required to get results healthily and safely.

Everyone has their rhythm

Finally, remember that exercising is not a competition with others to see who gets better results faster; each organism has its rhythm, and each one should demand to give the best compared to himself, not to others.

Understanding that exercise is not about looking good but about feeling and being in good condition is also part of living a healthy and fulfilling life, and if you enjoy exercising, the results will be better than expected.

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