3 exercises for swollen legs in the elderly

Escrito por: SoyMaratonista


When you reach old age, it is important to take maximum care of your health and exercise in a way that is adapted to each person’s condition.

Below, we’ll tell you the best three exercises for swollen legs in the elderly so you can care for your seniors how they deserve.

The best exercises to stimulate circulation in the legs of elderly people

For an elderly person, it is essential to feel that he can still do things for himself, even if only a few things. Therefore, it is necessary that he can stand up and stably walk on his own.

Poor circulation and, consequently, leg swelling are recurring problems in the elderly. We recommend you do these exercises with them to help them maintain their independence.


This exercise can be challenging for some elderly people, so you must assess whether the person in front of you can do it or if it will be counterproductive for them. The first thing the elderly person should do is stand up and walk around the room, trying to lift their heel off the floor, that is, walking on tiptoe.

In this way, the effort and impediment we are making will force the circulation to go faster, alleviating a slight swelling of the elderly’s legs.


This exercise is suitable for all elderly people because if they cannot do it alone, you can help them by taking their legs. It consists of staying seated and moving your legs and feet as much as possible: lifting them, turning them, moving your ankles, squeezing your toes, etc.

It is an excellent way to focus your body’s attention on your legs so the blood risk begins to circulate faster in that area.


If the elderly person does not have knee problems, squats are one of the healthiest exercises for their swollen legs. The person should stand and bend their knees as far as possible and then come back up. Several repetitions are needed for the exercise to be effective.

This type of movement helps unify the body’s upper and lower half so that circulation flows more efficiently.

These are the main exercises to avoid swollen legs in the elderly.

Personalized plans with running.COACH

Soymaratonista.com together with running.COACH offers personalized English plans that fit your current conditions and future competitions. running.COACH is a customized plan for running with iOS and Android applications.

In addition, with this subscription, you get 30 days on the running. You can create a 100% personalized and dynamic training plan with the COACH app.


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